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I'm Angie

I’m a corporate coach turned entrepreneur, a certified brain geek, & your partner in building brave.

Sometimes you just need a plan.

Sometimes our plans seem so big that they feel impossible–that’s when you need a plan. A plan means you don’t worry about the whole journey–you just focus on taking one step and then the next.

 I’m here to help you create a life filled with joy by creating a step-by-step plan to build a business based on your real life: a plan you can follow even if (especially if) you feel scared. 

Drawing on a Masters in Mind, Brain, & Education from Harvard University and over 10 years’ experience coaching purpose-driven leaders, I’m an expert at spotting where you’re spinning your wheels, and what you need to do each day — from the moment  you hit your desk to the time you call it quits — to move your business forward while building a life you love. 

"What saves a man is to take a step. Then another step. It is always the same step, but you have to take it."

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Living a joy-filled life is more than focusing on happiness.

 Joy comes from deep within and requires the courage to persevere during hard times and love the life that we have. And sometimes, being brave is really just making a plan and working that plan whether we feel ready or not. Focusing on a business that isn’t based on the reality of your life–of all the things that make a life–is a recipe for disaster. At Bravery Blueprint, we focus on building courage by looking at:


Your work (paid or not) is only a part of your purpose. A full life based on joy needs to be based on all the different parts of you–this is key to emotional, spiritual, and mental health. Your work doesn’t exist in a vacuum and neither does a Bravery Blueprint. Roll these key pieces together, and we’ll be on our way to translating your dream to an actionable plan specific to your life.


Every business has a unique culture created by its values and people–even if your business is a one-person team. It’s essential to set goals that meet the actual mission, vision, and culture of your business and your life. What if every single task (ok, 80% of them) you did moved the needle forward while integrating your values?


You’re a one-time event in history–you were intentionally created and there will never, ever be another like you. And what’s more is that you have talents given only to you–talents that exist to make the world a better place. Working on your Bravery Blueprint is all about taking action to use these talents to serve your purpose in the world.


This is that crucial piece you might know as “mindset.” It’s about how you see your talents and learning how to leverage them to meet your goals. The brain is an amazing organ (trust me, I have a Masters in studying it!) and learning how to renew your thoughts is part of moving from fear to bravery.

" I believe that bravery often is just making & following a plan-a plan based on both reality & big dreams."

You’ve probably heard the idea that you should tackle the important work first…and then move on to what’s urgent. 

Most of my career has been working with executives to do just that — I help bring their dreams to life by identifying what needs to be done in what order; to map out the concrete steps they need to take on a daily basis to make their goals a reality. 

But everything changed when my husband and I started our own creative business. As we constantly struggled to choose between daily tasks while still trying to be present for our four children, everything seemed both urgent and important. I read expert after expert desperately trying to get ahead but it seemed like all the advice fell into opposite camps: hustle all the time or rest all the time. I didn’t want to hustle all the time because my time with my family–my whole life, essentially–is limited and I didn’t want to miss it for the love of money. At the same time, I needed to work hard because let’s be real–four kids aren’t cheap!

I realized I needed to take my background in psychology, neuroscience, coaching, and organizational behavior and create a plan that would work not only in a corporate setting but also for us as purpose-focused entrepreneurs. We needed a way to balance our dreams for our business with our dreams for our family. And perhaps most importantly, I needed a list of actions I could take even when I felt afraid so that I could keep moving forward whether I had courage that morning or not. And so Bravery Blueprint was born. It’s the exact method I’ve used to help my purpose-driven corporate clients:

  • Go from overwhelm to unprecedented growth through by focusing efforts and limited resources on high-impact goals.
  • Increase customer engagement by providing clarity around market differentiation and direction.
  • Significantly increase capacity without adding staff by developing a strategic planning tool to determine capacity using quantitative measures.

My dream for you is this:

  • No more wasted time and money trying out the latest time management or task management tool only to find yourself further behind than before. 
  • No more wasted time constantly reconfiguring your to do list and ending the day defeated because you still didn’t make progress. 
  • No more wondering if you can even bring this dream to life. 
  • No more trying to fit your life into someone else’s ideas.

Instead you'll be building brave by:

  • Moving forward every single day using a plan that is based on the reality of your actual life, not on the faraway ideals of an expert living a completely different kind of life.
  • Confidently making plans and taking action because you’ll have a clear sense of your purpose, goals, and capacity to grow.
  • Growing in bravery every single day and experiencing more joy as you integrate your business with what really matters: your life. 

By creating your own Bravery Blueprint, you will have a clear course of action to accomplish your goals–big and small. You will have a step-by-step plan that you can actually follow and allows you to make measurable progress every single day. And you will improve your ability to both decide what’s important and how to prioritize so that you can keep making progress, even when life throws you a curveball. This is the blueprint to build a life you love.

After all, if you’re a purpose-driven entrepreneur, wouldn’t it be crazy not to know your purpose each moment of the day?

REady to start building brave?

Here's how you can get started:

Build your Bravery Blueprint

Perfect if:

  • You have a purpose-driven business and are looking to scale
  • You’re struggling to balance your business and your life and need support for your specific situation
  • You’ve got all the vision but need help with integrating and bringing your ideas to life

Join the Brave Builders Movement

Perfect if:

  • You’d benefit from a supportive and encouraging community of people like you
  • You’re willing to both ask for help and give support to others
  • You have a clear idea of your vision and goals but need ongoing accountability to stick to your plan

Get tips & tricks for building brave:

Perfect if:

  • You have a vision and are comfortable following it–you’re just looking for quick answers
  • You’re looking for free resources to bring your vision to life